Claire Wahmanholm — March 26, 2021 Skip to main content
English Reading Series
Fridays at Noon in the HBLL Auditorium

Claire Wahmanholm — March 26, 2021

Claire Wahmanholm is the author of Wilder (Milkweed Editions), which won the 2018 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry, the Society of Midland Authors Award for Poetry, and was a finalist for the 2019 Minnesota Book Award. Her second collection, Redmouth, was published with Tinderbox Editions in 2019. A 2020 McKnight Writing Fellow, her poems have most recently appeared in, or are forthcoming from, Good River Review, Washington Square Review, Blackbird, Descant, Image, Copper Nickel, Beloit Poetry Journal, Grist, RHINO, and have appeared on the Academy of American Poets Poem- a-Day series. She lives and teaches in the Twin Cities.