John Bennion – October 25, 2019 Skip to main content
English Reading Series
Fridays at Noon in the HBLL Auditorium

John Bennion – October 25, 2019

John Bennion is a fifth-generation native of Utah’s western desert. He has published a collection of short fiction, Breeding Leah and other Stories (1991), and three novels—Falling Toward Heaven (2000), An Unarmed Woman (2019), and Ezekiel’s Third Wife (2019). He has published short stories and essays in Hotel Amerika, Southwest Review, Hobart, Utah Historical Quarterly, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Best of the West II, Journal of Mormon History, High Country News, English Journal, and others. He is an associate professor in the English Department at Brigham Young University, where he teaches creative writing.