Julia Corbett – February 15, 2019 Skip to main content
English Reading Series
Fridays at Noon in the HBLL Auditorium

Julia Corbett – February 15, 2019

Julia Corbett is a Professor in the Department of Communication and Environmental Humanities Graduate Program at the University of Utah. She authored one of the first texts in environmental communication, Communicating Nature: How We Create and Understand Environmental Messages. Her second book, Seven Summers: A Naturalist Homesteads in the Modern West, is a memoir about building a cabin and living in the woods in western Wyoming. Her third book, Out of the Woods: Seeing Nature in the Everyday examines the products, practices, and phrases we take for granted in our everyday encounters with nature and encourages us to reimagine our relationship with it. Her environmental nonfiction essays have been published in venues such as Orion, High Country News, and OnEarth magazine. She has been a reporter, a park ranger, a naturalist, a natural resources information officer, and a press secretary.