Kara van de Graaf – January 17, 2020 Skip to main content
English Reading Series
Fridays at Noon in the HBLL Auditorium

Kara van de Graaf – January 17, 2020

Kara van de Graaf is the author of Spitting Image, winner of the Crab Orchard First Book Prize in Poetry (SIU Press, 2018). Individual poems appear widely in national literary journals, including The Southern Review, AGNI, New England Review, The Gettysburg Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, and the anthology Best New Poets. Other honors include the Hoepfner Award from Southern Humanities Review, an Academy of American Poets Prize, a fellowship from Vermont Studio Center, and a Tennessee Williams Scholarship from Sewanee Writers Conference. Kara is co-founder and editor of Lightbox Poetry, an online educational resource for poetry in the classroom (www.lightboxpoetry.com). She serves as Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Utah Valley University and live in Salt Lake City, Utah.